Interested in learning the great highland bagpipe? How about the snare, tenor, or bass drum?
Despite what it looks like, playing the pipes is not a test of endurance. Piping is an enjoyable experience and
can be learned for little cost with a practice chanter (approx. $60).
Similarly, drumming is also very rewarding
and you can easily get started with a pair of sticks and a practice pad.
Our band is always looking for individuals
with some experience either piping or drumming and can help new beginners obtain the instruction they need to become proficient.
Our band is made up of women and men from 12 to much much older than 12 and we welcome new members for practices,
parades and performances.
If you are interested or would like more information contact Pipe-Major Dave Monette:
monette(at symbol)sasktel.net
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